ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, March 8, 2024
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Avoid regret. The cost of not following your heart, is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.
SAT Word of the Day:
disrepute – n. state of disgrace
His lying brought him into DISREPUTE among his friend group.
All volleyball players from this past season, please report to the refectory NOW.
Please add Easter candy to the blue cart for kids' Easter baskets.
Students, please remember that there are no book bags allowed during the school day. This is your warning and you will earn a JUG if you are seen carrying one.
School items must be placed in your locker during lunch and not carried into the cafeteria.
Lockers must be shut and locked at all times in the school and the locker rooms. We will begin locker checks next week; violators will earn a JUG.
Reminder to juniors & seniors: College Visit days will not be excused on the following days - Juniors - Day of Recollection, March 9th and SAT, April 16th, Seniors – Retreat, March 25 & 26th. Seniors if you schedule your college placement testing or registration appointment on these days they will need to be rescheduled.
Freshman, PSAT 8/9 is fast approaching. Please practice using the Bluebook app so you are familiar with it on test day. Don’t waste valuable testing time because you don’t know how to use the testing app. See Ms. Bernabei BEFORE test day if you need help.
The boys and girls track team is hosting a fish fry this Friday, and we need your support. Please get your tickets for the fish fry from any track member or Mr. Makransky. It's going to be a great event.
Anime club meeting this Friday at the Boarding house game room from 3:15-4:45 pm.
It was a good night at Sterling for the St. Bede track teams. Lily Bosnich won the Long Jump and was second in the 60meters, 60 meter hurdles, and 200 meters. Maggie Arkins won the 800 meter run, Emerald De La Torre was 3rd in the 60 meters and part of the 4x200 meter relay along with Siearah Shaver, Grace Millington, Ashlyn Ehm that finished 5th. For the guys Marco Rizzi was second in the Long Jump, Greyson Marincic was third in the Long jump and was part of the 5th place 4x200 meter relay along with Sean Brayton, Willy Sramek, and Jack Maschmann.
If you’re interested in joining Esports and playing Apex Legends, Call of Duty, and/or Rocket League, we need to put together a roster by March 11 (Monday). Let Mr. Fess know asap.
Attention all freshmen: Next week’s Shadow Day assignments for freshmen will be sent to your emails by tomorrow during H period. Be sure to check your emails.
Gavin Gillan, please come to Mr. Steben’s office.
Will the following students please see Mrs. Hurst in the Main office NOW: Greyson Marincic, Abraham Wiesbrock, and Tyler Jordan.
Will Lily McLain, Jillian Pinter and Ava Balestri please report to the Perino Science Center now.