ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, March 6, 2024
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You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.
If you are a Freshman with a Shadow today, please report to the Gym NOW.
SAT Word of the Day:
candid – adj. Truthful
The students were surprised by the teacher’s CANDID feedback and learned from tough love.
Just a reminder to return to your C Period Class directly after any homeroom meetings. We cannot have students lingering in the hallways without supervision. Thank you!
Lenten class charity collection update: Seniors $417 of $960; Juniors $120 of $1,020; Sophomores $874 of $1,020; Freshmen $188 of $900. Our next collection will be tomorrow, at our Lenten prayer service.
Please add Easter candy to the blue cart for kids' Easter baskets.
The boys and girls track team is hosting a fish fry this Friday, and we need your support. Please get your tickets for the fish fry from any track member or Mr. Makransky. It's going to be a great event.
Today: Tea Club in the PSC commons from 2:50-3:50. Be there, don’t be square!
Anime club meeting this Friday at the Boarding house game room from 3:15-4:45 pm.
There will be a podcast club meeting after school today in room 213.
All girls interested in golf meet with coach Cummings during homeroom in Mr Heminowski’s room. All boys interested will meet tomorrow.
Our next future college student-athlete is Sierah Shaver! Sierah has committed to THE Monmouth College in Monmouth, IL to run sprints and relays for their track team. She will also major in clinical psychology. If you are a current senior planning to play college sports next year, please let Mr. Steben know! Happy signing, Bruins!
All those who went to Kentucky with Fr. Ronald, please see him now during homeroom.
Freshmen shadow guides for Thursday: please check your email for an important update from Mr. Steben.