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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, February 26, 2024

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SAT Word of the Day: None today - Hard as Nails

  • On Wednesday the bishop will be with us for our Lenten service.  We will pray the rosary.  If you have a rosary, bring it on Wednesday.

  • Please give your Lenten class charity donations to your religion teachers.  On Wednesday there will be a collection, in church, when the bishop is with us.

  • Lectio on Thursday and Friday.

  • Thanks to all who participated in the Polar Plunge.  $6,350 was raised for Special Olympics.

  • Ambassadors: WE WILL NOT MEET TODAY AFTER SCHOOL. Instead, we will meet tomorrow during homeroom. 

  • IVCC is hosting an EXPLORE IVCC night on Wednesday March 20th at 5:30 PM.  Meet with faculty, staff services and take a tour.  For more information, see posters around the school. 

  • Over the weekend, SBA's Scholastic Bowl team competed in the TCC Scholastic Bowl Tournament at Roanoke-Benson High School. The Bruins came out on top with 7 wins and 0 losses to capture the conference title! Your Bruins were led by Bella Hagenbuch who finished 9th and Grayson Marincic finishing in the #1 spot answering more toss-ups than anyone in the tournament both receiving All-Conference honors. Congratulations Bruins!

  • Attention anyone interested in Golf the Golf Room will be open after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  • Would Quinn McClain, Bailey Engels, and Chloe Brandt please check their email for a message from Mrs. Theisinger? Thank you!

  • Mrs. Theisinger is out of the building. She can be reached via email, but if you need something sooner- please see Ms. Bernabei or report to the main office. Thank you!

  • Need service hours? Mrs. Prokup is looking for students to help stuff envelopes. This can be done during homeroom or after school. 

  • All track athletes meet in the fish bowl classroom right after school for a short meeting.