ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, February 23, 2024
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We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.
SAT Word of the Day:
adapt – v. modify
The Lady Bruins ADAPTED masterfully after the halftime break.
No Lenten service this week. So please give your Lenten class charity donations to your religion teacher. Next week the Hard as Nails team will be here on Monday and Bishop Tylka on Wednesday.
Let's fill the Blue Cart with food. The food pantry has requested bags of Easter candy for the food baskets given for Easter.
Polar Plunge participants wear your Plunge Sweatshirts tomorrow. If you didn't receive one, it will be given tomorrow before the group photo is taken.
Attention edible car participants: Mr Fitz has added an important announcement to the science club classroom. Please make sure to check today.
Anyone that was at the girls basketball game last night that has pictures from the super fans or the celebration at the end that would like to share for the yearbook, please see Mrs. Griggs
Freshmen with 8th grade shadow requests, please turn your forms in to Mr. Steben today. If you need a new form, or want to see a list of who will be attending, see Mr. Steben during your study hall.
Our first future college athlete we will highlight is Bella Pinter! Bella has committed to Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, IL to play catcher/utility for their softball team. She will also major in kinesiology and minor in Spanish. If you are a current senior planning to play college sports next year, please let Mr. Steben know!
Congrats to the Lady Bruins basketball team on last night’s thrilling win over Serena. Last night’s sectional championship was the first for SBA Girls Basketball in 24 years, as well as the most program wins since the 1999-2000 season. Way to make history!
Quinn McClain and Lily Bosnich please see Mrs. Hurst now.
Alex Ankiewicz, Ryan Slingsby, Halden Hueneburg, Kaden Nauman, Zach Popurella, please see Mr. Steben now.