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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, February 21, 2024

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Hope is not a matter of waiting for things outside of us to get better.  It is about getting better inside about what is going on outside.

  • SAT Word of the Day:

    • ubiquitous – adj. present everywhere

      • The US dollar is a UBIQUITOUS measure of your buying power and wealth.

  • If you want a Rice Bowl for you and your family for Lent, see your religion teacher. 

  • No Lenten service this week.  So please give your Lenten class charity donations to your religion teacher.

  • Let's fill the Blue Cart with food. The food pantry has requested bags of Easter candy for the food baskets given for Easter.

  • Heritage Club would like to wish everyone Happy Language Day! There are over 7,000 languages still spoken around the world. At St. Bede Academy, we have a unique, multi-lingual student population with the following languages represented: English, Spanish, Ukrainian, Turkish, Arabic, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese.

  • Freshmen with 8th grade shadow requests, please complete your forms by Friday, February 23.

  • Ambassadors: We will meet in the Loft on Thursday to speak with Mrs. Rapp and Mrs. Prokup about helping with the coming Phone-a-Thon.

  • There will be a Podcast Club meeting after school today in room 213.

  • There will be Scholastic Bowl practice tomorrow after school in the Art Room.

  • Congratulations to the Lady Bruins Basketball team for last night’s 75-24 rout of Morgan Park Academy. The Sectional Championship will be against Serena on Thursday, 2/22 at Gardner South-Wilmington. A fan bus will be available - sign up today to catch the action! Hum Bruins!


  • The following students need to meet in the Loft now: Lorelai Denny, Maddy Dittmar, Bailey Engels, Halden Hueneburg, Libby Huffaker, Quinn McClain, Sammie Wagner, Ali Bosnich, Ella Engelhaupt, Bella Hagenbuch, Ella Hermes, Jeanna Ladzinski, and Amy Tran.

  • Sadie Koehler, Quinn McClain, Lily Bosnich and Emma Smudzinski please see Mrs. Makransky in the main office today.

  • Caden Carls, please come to the main office.

  • All participating in Polar Plunge on Saturday, meet Fr. Ronald in science center to register. Bring permission forms and donations.