ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, February 20, 2024
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One kind word can change someone's day.
SAT Word of the Day:
truculent – adj. eager to argue or fight
He was a topic of discussion due to his TRUCULENT behavior on social media.
If you want a Rice Bowl for you and your family for Lent, see your religion teacher.
Boys' TEC is the 1st weekend of March. See Fr. Ronald to register or for more information.
Meal prayers at lunch during Lent begin today.
No Lenten service this week. So please give your Lenten class charity donations to your religion teacher.
If you would like to participate in the edible car contest, make sure to sign up by the end of the day Wednesday. Mr Fitz has shifted the date of making cars to Thursday after school. Check classroom for more details.
Yearbook meeting today with Joelle from HJ Edesign from 1:45-3 If you are coming to the meeting to learn how to do yearbook pages, please email Mrs. Griggs so we know how many people to expect.
Positoovity dancers for the musical, please meet in the cheerleading room after school to practice.
The City of LaSalle is looking for summer help in several positions. Please go online at the City of LaSalle website to fill out an application or stop by city hall.
Ambassadors: we will have a short one-slide meeting in the fishbowl after school. This was not scheduled on Band, but we need to meet before Shadow Days.
All participating in Polar Plunge on Saturday meet Fr. Ronald in the loft.
SBASG will meet in the PSC now.
JV Girls Basketball, please go to Ms. Marx’s Room (Room 31) now.
Chloe Brandt, Ashlan Heersink, Lila Koehler, and Savannah Bray, please see Mrs. Griggs today about your softball uniform.
Will the following students see Mrs. Makransky in the main office: Summer Conlin, Teagan Hewitt, Jadyn Martin, Isabella Pinter, and Ryan Slingsby.
Will Caleb Barto please see Mrs. Hurst in the main office now?