Daily Announcements - Friday, October 30, 2020
Marcia Wagner
If we are to be happy, it will be as ourselves.
Remember, you need to follow the SBA dress code. Gentleman, shirts must be tucked in and belts must be worn. Also, the only sweatshirts that are allowed are the Denis uniform ¼ zips or crewnecks. Hoodies and sport pull overs are not acceptable. We will begin writing dress code violations for these.
Lectio groups this coming week. Details to follow on Monday.
Over the weekend, remember our hungry sisters and brothers and pick up some food items to put in the blue carts.
Congratulations to Gianna Grivetti and Ryan Brady for being selected by St. Bede faculty and staff to represent our school as HOBY Ambassadors. HOBY Ambassadors are students who put forth outstanding leadership skills, confidence, community service, concern for others as well as other admirable traits. Gianna and Ryan please see Ms. Bernabei for more information.