Daily Announcements - Thursday, October 29, 2020
Marcia Wagner
One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.
The following students need to report to the refectory TODAY after school with your chromebook: Nick Kerasotes, Addison Lee, Reese Ludford, Amber Meagher, Grace Mertel, Isabelle Monroe, Caroline Moskalewicz, Nathan Potthoff, Zach Roebuck, James Sanchez, and Shawn Schwemlein.
Remember to order your Wreaths, Door Sprays, Centerpieces and Holiday Décor this season for local pick-up at St. Bede Academy on November 21, 2020! https://www.st-bede.com/holiday-fundraiser DEADLINE TO ORDER is November 2nd! Any Questions - Contact Bonnie at bprokup@st-bede.com
Lectio groups this coming week. Details to follow.
The food carts are empty. Let's get them filled, again, for our hungry sisters and brothers.
There was an asthma inhaler found in the Gym on Tuesday. If you are missing your inhaler please come to the school office.
Ally Holtakmp, please see Mrs. Wagner in her office after school.