ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, November 2, 2023
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The best way to predict the future is to create it. - Abraham Lincoln
SAT Word of the Day:
forbearance – n. restraint; self-control
Bella practiced great FORBEARANCE by not spending her whole paycheck at Target.
AMC math club will meet today at 2:45 in Mrs. Morrow’s room. Please come to register for the competition!
The deadline to order your Podcast Club t-shirt has been extended until next Friday, November 10th. Ordering a t-shirt is a great way to support SBA’s Podcast Club! Order form link:
Scholastic Bowl practice today after school in Art Studio and Remember to order your jersey.
Boys open gym tonight from 7-8:30. Please bring pizza order money.
22-23 Yearbooks have finally been delivered and they will be passed out during your period H Class.
Beatriz Vasquez, please report to Mrs. Rynkewicz’s room.