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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Guest User

God will make you into what He intended for you to be in the first place: the best version of yourself. 

  • Humility is the pathway to knowledge. 

    • SAT Word of the Day: 

      • eclectic – adj. Wide-ranging

        • Mr. Steben’s Spotify playlists are as ECLECTIC as his musical interests.

    • Tomorrow is All Saints' Day.  Do you know any saints?  Think about it.

    • As we all enjoy Halloween candy, let's remember our hungry sisters and brothers and fill the BLUE CART with food items.

    • ALL SENIORS going on the Illinois Holocaust Museum trip MUST meet in the refectory during homeroom. COME TO THIS MEETING BEFORE ANY OTHERS. 


    • Open House Skit Ambassadors, please report to the Little Theatre. Seniors involved who are also going on the Holocaust Museum trip must report to the refectory first.

    • Noah Buck please see Mrs. Makransky in the main office sometime today.