ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, October 30, 2023
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God will make you into what He intended for you to be in the first place: the best version of yourself.
SAT Word of the Day:
Denigrate (DEN-ih-grate) – v. to criticize unfairly
It does no good to DENIGRATE someone for thinking differently than you.
Congratulations to the following 5 seniors who were recognized for being an Illinois State Scholar: Ali Bosnich, Ella Englehaupt, Isabella Hagenbuch, Zachary Popurella, and Logan Potthoff.
SBA’s Podcast Club is selling t-shirts! Visit this link for more info and to order your t-shirt:
Scholastic Bowl sweaters are available to order at The store will close on November 7 at 11:59 pm. Flyers will be posted. This is mandatory for all team members.
Open gym for boys basketball tonight from 6:00-7:30. All levels are encouraged to attend.
Fall theatre cast needs to check the Google Classroom for the rehearsal schedule.
ALL SENIORS going on the Illinois Holocaust Museum trip MUST meet in the refectory TOMORROW during homeroom. COME TO THIS MEETING BEFORE ANY OTHERS.
Bailey Engels, please stop by Mr. Steben’s office.
Aubrey Siebert, please see Fr. Ronald.
All going to Kentucky/Ohio, please see Fr. Ronald.
Will Mackenzie Stanbary, Ella Mudge (10th grade), Chase Riva, and Gavin Gillan please see Mrs. Hurst in the main office now?