ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, October 20, 2023
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The present moment is already exactly as it ought to be, even if we don't understand why it is as it is.
SAT Word of the Day:
unmitigated – adj. not lessened; absolute
The Halloween Party was an UNMITIGATED success.
Lectio today 2nd lunch will meet in Mr. Garcia's classroom #114.
The next Last Supper Club outing will be at Fire on Fifth on Thursday at 6:00. Sign-up sheet on board outside Fr. Ronald's office.
The next Girls' TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) weekend is Dec 2-4. Interested or want to know more, see Fr. Ronald.
AP forms and payment due October 31! If you need more info email or see Mrs. Nambo.
Mrs. Griggs would like to organize an extra-curricular choir that would meet outside of the school day to learn choral music to perform in the community. Everyone is welcome to join, and you don’t need to be in chorus currently, you just need to be willing to sing outside of school. If you would like more information, please join google classroom. The code is qd57tft After you have joined the classroom, please fill out the google form.
There will be a Heritage Club meeting on Monday, October 23 in Mrs. Rynkewicz's room 204. Check Google Classroom for information prior to Monday's meeting.
There will be Scholastic Bowl practice next Thursday 10/26 after school.
Please wish the Guys and Girls "SCRAM" Cross Country Teams best wishes for their Regional race. Our postseason starts on Saturday in Seneca!
Sam Bima, Logan Potthoff, and Ryan Slingsby, meet in Mr. Steben’s office.
Andrea Brander and Yigit Arslan, please see Fr. Ronald.
Victoria Mendez please see Mrs. Nambo