ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, October 16, 2023
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Nobody else holds the key to unlocking your potential. Don't wait for permission. Give it to yourself.
SAT Word of the Day:
stolid (STAH-lid) – adj. calm and dependable
Mrs. Theisinger’s STOLID approach to social work ensures a job well done.
Watch for information on the upcoming Last Supper Club outing.
The next Girls' TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) weekend is Dec 2-4. Interested or want to know more, see Fr. Ronald.
Lectio on Thursday and Friday this week.
The Food Pantry has announced that more of our sisters and brothers need food. Please fill the Blue Cart.
Attention junior and senior animal lovers in need of service opportunities: Illinois Valley Animal Rescue (IVAR) is in need of volunteers. Responsibilities include helping take care of the animals’ yard, food & water, and kennels. Hours are available on the weekend afternoons and weekday evenings. If you are interested, please see Mr. Steben to learn how to apply.
There are auditions today after school for Fall Theatre in the Little Theater. All are welcome!
Our weekly Ambassador meeting will be in the Fishbowl right after school.
St. Bede Nation! Mae and Bella Hagenbuch are currently 3-0 in the World Mixed Curling competition in Aberdeen, Scotland!!! They have won against Italy, Estonia, and India so far and still have to play Spain, Germany, Austria, and Brazil. Good luck to our ladies!!!
Zach Popurella, please stop by Mr. Steben’s office.
Anna Rudenko & Mark Rudenko please see Mrs. Rapp in the development office.