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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, October 3, 2023

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When we shift our mindset from the impossible to the possible, outcomes that were once hidden are revealed, sitting in plain sight.

  • SAT Word of the Day: 

    • litigant (LIT-ih-gint) – n. a person involved in a lawsuit

      • Mr. Steben compiled a list of LITIGANTS against unfair working hours.

  • Please see Ms. Bernabei today about the Rotary Luncheon tomorrow: Aubree Acuncius, Alex Ankiewicz, Johnna Bogatitus, Evan Entrican, Seth Ferrari, Isabelle Pinter, Sierah Shaver, Reagan Stoudt, Luke Tunnell, Katie Zeller.

  • Tomorrow, Oct 4th 6:30-8 pm in the PSC - Information is geared toward seniors but all grade levels are invited to attend to begin planning for their future.

  • A representative from the University of Notre Dame will be at St. Bede Academy on October 10th period H and after school until 2:10. Sign up with Ms. Bernabei.

  • Coloring Club will meet in the PSC after school tomorrow.

  • There will be a boys basketball open gym on Thursday from 3:30-5 with coach Schwab.

  • Science club will have an after-school meeting on Wednesday, October 4.  We will be making kombucha and yogurt in the chemistry room.

  • All seniors going to the Illinois Holocaust Museum MUST turn in their permission slip and money by Thursday, October 5th. We do not have school on Friday, October 6th. Bring the slip and money at the same time to Mrs. Rynkewicz's room. 


  • SBASG report to Ms. Brady’s room.

  • Anyone and everyone interested in joining the Scholastic Bowl team meet in PSC during Homeroom.

  • Anyone interested in becoming involved in Fall Theatre, either as an actor or joining our script writing group, bring your Chromebooks and your planners to room 107.

  • The following are asked to see Fr. Ronald now: Bella Boggio, Reagan Stoudt, Anna Redenko, Analia Salas, Evan Englehaupt, Jordan Coventry, Henry Mertel, Abraham Wiesbrock, Mirella Haskell, Gavin Hahn.

  • Will Logan Potthoff please see Mrs. Prokup?

  • Will the following students please stop by the main office during homeroom: Aubree Acuncius, Ella Englehaupt, Katelyn Harth, Jadyn Martin, and Amy Tran.

  • Mario Kart and Valorant eSports team members see Mr. Fess during homeroom for a quick minute.

  • Will Tessa Dugosh, Ella Hermes, Bella Pinter, Macy Hartt, and Lily Bosnich come by Mr. Steben’s office?