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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, September 25, 2023

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It's time to stop seeking worldly solutions to spiritual problems.

  • SAT Word of the Day: 

    • fortuitous (fore-TOO-it-tus)– adj. happening by chance rather than by design

      • The AP Calculus class was graced by a FORTUITOUS extra day to study for their exam.

  • Softball players that have not signed up for parking lot duty or 50/50 job please sign up outside of Mrs. Griggs room today. If you texted Coach Sons your time, you still need to sign up outside of Mrs. Griggs room so she knows all slots are filled.

  • Happy Monday Ambassadors! We will meet today after school in the Fishbowl.

  • Mr. Makransky is offering 4 service hours for anyone who signs up to help with the annual Jim Lattin 5K race on Homecoming weekend. The race is Saturday morning, September 30th. Fliers in the main office and the gym.

  • At our Homecoming prayer service on Thursday, all are asked to bring in a food item.  Let's help give a bit of stability to the unstable lives of our hungry sisters and brothers. You can bring what you wish, but suggested items:  Seniors - Peanut Butter; Juniors - Pasta and Pasta Sauce; Sophomores - Canned Soup; Freshmen - Canned Vegetables; Faculty/Staff - Baby Food or Canned Fruit.

  • Variety Show rehearsal this week for Senior Skit, acts that Mrs. Griggs has not seen yet, or acts that would like more practice can come to the gym Wednesday immediately following powder puff football Thursday night.  If your act hasn’t been approved before Thursday, you will not be able to participate.  Thursday’s dress rehearsal will begin at 7:30. Please be in the gym by 7:00 so you can look at the show order and be ready to start at 7:30 with MC introductions.

  • Congratulations to the Boys Cross Country team for their excellent competition Saturday at the Kewanee Boilermaker Invitational. Greyson Marincic was 28th in the varsity race and RJ Hermosillo was 22nd in the Frosh/Soph race. The next race is Tuesday for the Tri-County Conference.

  • Seniors: There will be mandatory senior skit rehearsal during home room tomorrow in Mrs.  Grigg's room and Wednesday after the powderpuff game in the gym. All participating seniors must attend.


  • The following please see Fr. Ronald now:  Ella Burris, Anna Rudenko, those who signed up to be in the skit for the Homecoming prayer service.