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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, September 22, 2023

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The challenges that come our way in life are simply opportunities to change, to grow, and to become the better version of ourselves.

  • SAT Word of the Day: 

    • effluvia (eff-FLOO-vee-uh)– n. unpleasant odor

      • The EFFLUVIA in the basement of the gym disrupted the entire basketball game.

  • Heritage Club members: this is your last chance to sign up to go to Fresh & Fruity after school today. Students who are going to Fresh & Fruity should meet downstairs in the PSC at 2:50pm today.

  • Mr. Makransky is offering 4 service hours for anyone who signs up to help with the annual Jim Lattin 5K race on Homecoming weekend. The race is Saturday morning, September 30th. Fliers in the main office and the gym.

  • At our Homecoming prayer service, on Thursday, all are asked to bring in a food item.  Details will be given on Monday. 

  • Stage Rats: We will meet today after school and tomorrow at 7:30pm, in the gym for both times.

  • Guest forms for homecoming are due by Monday at the ABSOLUTE latest.

  • Junior and senior girls: if you have not paid for your Powderpuff Football shirt, please pay Ms. Brady ASAP. Money was due yesterday.


  • Would the following students please see Mrs. Rapp in her office now: Jazmin Barreras-Vazquez, Evan Entrican, Trajan Raffety and Aden Robinson.

  • Will Alec Tomsha and Cornelia Bian see Mrs. Prokup?