ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, October 6, 2022
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If we want to pass on our faith, we can only pass on what we have. We can't give what we don't have. There are no shortcuts.
SENIORS- please fill out the DAR/SAR ballot sent by Mrs. Nambo ASAP. Several of you still need to do so.
Just a reminder that this week begins peer tutoring. If you need tutoring, in any subject, please come to room 111 during your study hall or after school on Monday’s and Wednesday’s from 2:40-3:30.
Don’t forget that the Air Force will be visiting our campus today during lunch.
Congratulations to our Splatoon Esports team: Gavin Sandoval, Henry Mertel, Julian Villava, and Noah Buck, for their win against Pocahontas high school in Arkansas!
If you purchased a homecoming shirt from Mr. Eustice’s Econ class last week and still owe please turn in your money to Mr. Eustice ASAP
Attention Ambassadors: we still need people to attend the Lostant visit next Tuesday afternoon. If you are able to help out, please sign up outside Mr. Steben's office ASAP!
Currently, Sports Registration is open for Bowling. If you are a bowler and you have not yet registered, please see Mr. Armato during lunch or your passing period.
Registration for ALL WINTER SPORTS will open next week.
SENIOR Student-Athletes for FALL Sports. ALL SPORT SENIOR NIGHT is Saturday. October 15. Please make sure you or your parent fills out the Google Form that was both texted and emailed to you. ALL students and parent/family escorts must be at the FB field by 4pm on Oct. 15. Any questions, please see Mr. Armato.
All of Mr. Davy’s Religion 3 classes and Mr. H’s sophomore D & F classes meet in the collaboration room today. Mr. H’s H period class meet in room 141.