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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, October 11, 2022

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Christians are different.  Or, at least they should be.

  •  SAT Word of the Day: Fictive- Created by imagination

  • Still accepting food for the Blue Cart.  We hope to make a delivery at the end of the week.

  •  Congrats to the Cross-Country team who competed in the 45 team Columbus Day Amboy Invitation Monday.

  • For the Lady Bruins they were led by Macy Zeglis who finished 113th, and Madelyn Torrance at 140th.

  • For the Guys on the Varsity level, Nathan Husser finished 100th. On the Frosh/Soph level Greyson Marincic 22nd, Johnny Brown was 36th, Haiden Ator 45th and Frank Fan 49th. Next meet is Thursday at Home at 4:00. Come out and support our team.

  •  Please release members of girls tennis today at 2:30pm.

  •  The following students need to bring their shirt money to Miss Gavina or Mrs. Rynkewicz TODAY: Kamila Ortiz, Grace Millington, Olivia Orteza, Anna Rudenko, Andrea Bradner, Aubrey Siebert, and Abby Michels

  •  Registration is now open for ALL winter sports. Please see Mr. Armato for more information.

  •  All softball players are needed to help out in the concession stand or sell 50/50 tickets for part of the game on Saturday.  Please see Mrs. Griggs or email her for your preferred time slot by Thursday.


  • Jazmin Barreras-Vasquez, Gavin Hahn, and Jonathan Hackney please see Abbot Michael near the Loft today during Homeroom.

  •  Genavyve Barnes please come to the main office.

  •   Will SBASG exec board please see Miss Brady today during homeroom.

  •  Ryann Shue, Yannis Yong, and Jordan Coventry please see Mrs. Hurst During Homeroom