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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday September 26, 2022

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God does indeed hear us...we just need to give him some time.

  • SAT Word of the Day: Hubris- excessive pride

  • Congratulations to Jake Migliorini, Sadie Koehler, Bailey Engels and Greyson Marincic for being selected by St. Bede faculty and staff as HOBY Award recipients. Jake and Sadie will represent our school as Ambassadors at the HOBY Leadership retreat this summer. Bailey & Greyson were selected as alternates. HOBY Ambassadors are students who put forth outstanding leadership skills, confidence, community service, concern for others as well as other admirable traits. Jake, Sadie, Bailey & Greyson please see Ms. Bernabei now.

  • Seniors: Elks Teen of the Month applications are now available!  Due Friday. Check your student email!

  • Students at any grade are invited to attend the Career Expo with Ms. Bernabei on October 25th. Only 14 spots available. See your email for a permission form or pick one up in the main office. Permission forms due Thursday this week!

  • If you participate in Last Supper club and want to be part of the Homecoming Parade, see Fr. Ronald or put name on sign-up sheet on bulletin board near his office on 2nd floor.

  • All Ambassadors - we will have mandatory training for our upcoming 8th grade visits on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 during your lunch periods. Bring your lunch to the Loft on Wednesday. 

  • We need some students to help make signs for some floats in Friday's Homecoming Parade. If you want to decorate some signs, please see Mr. Steben for supplies in room 134 during your study hall period. 

  • The Yard Signs & Car decals are in! Will the following families pick up their signs from Mrs. Prokup's office, room 135….Walsh, Vanko, Mudge, Espel, Ferrari, Wallace, Zeller, Rodriguez, Maschmann, Stanton, Kozak, Carls, Baker, Shaw, Arkins, Slingsby, Michels, Millington, Gillan, Sramek, Soliman and Fabish.

  • Heritage Club members need to check Google Classroom for homecoming parade information and clothing updates. Members riding in the HOCO parade need to see Mrs. Rynkewicz TODAY. 

  • If you have not yet paid for your homecoming tickets, you MUST do so TODAY!!!! See Ms. Brady before the end of the day today!

  • Congrats to the golf teams of Putthoff and Tunnell on their 10th place finish and Pillion and Delaney finishing in 6th place at the Mendota Ryder Cup Tournament on Saturday.


  •   Petra Mitchell and Ryan Migliorini.  Please see Fr. Ronald, now, during homeroom in the Loft.

  • Marco Rizzi, Madison Stanbary, Lena Sartin, Joe Bima, and Jake Migliorini, please see Mrs. Hurst during homeroom.

  • Everyone and anyone interested in wrestling or managing wrestling this season, please meet coach Allen in the weight room during homeroom today following announcements.

  • Ashton Gonzales, Kaden Nauman, Tyler Walsh please see Mr. Hancock and bring your Chromebook.

  • The following senior boys need to go to the loft now. Ryan Migliorini; John Brady; Landon Jackson; Gavin Sandoval; Ryan Brady; Brendan Pillion; Johnathon Hackney; George Guo; Callan Hueneburg; Mason Hurst; Hayden Arkins Nathan Lough; Michael Shaw; Jake Delaney; Thomas Makransky; Connor Brown; Ben Wallace; Ben Burke; Dylan Hunter; Calym Setser; Clayton Justi; Anthony Taylor; Evan Fitzpatrick.

  • Surfers and Bikers please come to the gym for a photo during homeroom!

  • Survey about Peer Tutoring was sent to your school email from Mrs. Pettway. Complete the survey if you are interested in being a peer tutor or if you would be interested in receiving tutoring during your study hall or after school. We are planning to begin the Peer tutoring program after homecoming week.

  • There is also tutoring available in the Academic Achievement room (room 111) during your study hall and then through IVCC on Mondays at the Oglesby campus from 3-7, or at the Ottawa campus on Wednesdays from 3-7. Please see Mrs. Pettway, in 136, with any questions regarding tutoring options.

  • Students at any grade are invited to attend the Career Expo with Ms. Bernabei on October 25th. Only 14 spots available. See your email for a permission form or pick one up in the main office.

  •  Volunteers are needed to sell 50/50 tickets at the homecoming football game. 3 shifts available 8-10 am, 10-12, or 12 – half time. Students are needed at each entrance and to walk in the bleachers selling tickets during the game. See Ms. Bernabei or Mr. Davy to sign up. Volunteers hours will be given.

  • Just a reminder that if you still need a parking permit, you need to take care of that immediately. Security will be checking vehicles and violators will be subject to a fine.

  • All Mrs. Horst's classes will meet in the loft today.

  • If you participate in Last Supper club and want to be part of the Homecoming Parade, see Fr. Ronald or put name on sign-up sheet on bulletin board near his office on 2nd floor.

  • The BLUE CART is slowly filling up.  Let's try to fill it before the end of Homecoming week.

  • Congratulations to our Esports Valorant team Anthony Taylor, Jordan Coventry, Michael Shaw, Johnathon Hackney, and George Guo.  They beat Delavan High School in a best of three match 13-0 and 13-1.

  •  Flyers are up around the building for Homecoming Apparel!!!!! Just scan the QR Code to access the online store!!!! Get your order in by tomorrow!!!

  • Heritage Club members have until TODAY to sign up for shirts. See Miss Gavina or Mrs. Rynkewicz to get your name on the list. Information about ordering and payment will follow soon. 


  • Lea Asani and Erin Dove please see Mrs. Hurst during Homeroom today.