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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday September 27, 2022

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When was the last time someone confused you for Jesus??

  • SAT Word of the Day: Unconscionable- not right or reasonable.

  • Heritage Club members need to check Google Classroom for homecoming parade information and clothing updates. Members riding in the HOCO parade need to see Mrs. Rynkewicz TODAY!

  • Everyone and anyone interested in wrestling or managing wrestling this season, please meet coach Allen in the weight room during homeroom today following announcements!

  • Students, don’t forget that Thursday is the last day to sign up for the Career Expo with Ms. Bernabei on October 25th. See your email for a permission form or pick one up in the main office.

  • Softball players are needed to work for one hour during the homecoming game.  Mrs. Griggs sent out an email Monday, please reply so she can schedule workers.

  • Variety show rehearsal this Tuesday at 7pm and Thursday following the powder puff game.  Volleyball players are excused Tuesday, but everyone else should plan to attend.

  • Mrs. Leffelman’s H period Biology to my room (210) Wed-Fri.

  • A Heads-Up.  Homecoming prayer service on Thursday.  You'll need to have a pen.

  • Before Homecoming let's make an effort to fill the Blue Cart with food for our hungry sisters and brothers.   

  • Seniors: come to the Loft today during Lunch, E1 or E2 for help getting your FAFSA started. You will need your Chromebook, social security number and cell phone.

  • Students at any grade are invited to attend the Career Expo with Ms. Bernabei on October 25th. Only 14 spots available. See your email for a permission form or pick one up in the main office. Permission forms are due this Thursday, Sept 29th.

  • Volunteers are needed to sell 50/50 tickets at the homecoming football game. 3 shifts available 8-10 am, 10-12, or 12 – half time. Students are needed at each entrance and to walk in the bleachers selling tickets during the game. See Ms. Bernabei or Mr. Davy to sign up. Volunteer hours will be given.

  • Junior and senior students & parents are invited to attend College Information Night on Wed, Oct 5, 6 - 7:30 p.m. in the Perino Science Center. Info will be presented on selecting a college, applications, scholarships, FAFSA, college visits, transcripts, and more!!!

  • On Oct. 12th all juniors & sophomore will be taking the PSAT-NMSQT.  Results of this test will be used by the College Board to determine National Merit Scholar award recipients. Check your email for test prep info and start preparing for this test NOW! Also on this day freshman will have remote learning and seniors will have an excused college visit day.  Seniors should check their email for info on how to set up a college visit.

  • If any student is interested in 2 new, exciting and fun opportunities for service hours beginning as soon as tomorrow, please see Mr. Davy in the collaboration lab during homeroom.

  • The Yard Signs & Car decals are in! Will the following families pick up their signs from Mrs. Prokup's office, room 135: Mudge, Espel, Wallace, Rodriguez, Stanton, Baker, Shaw, Gillan, Sramek, Soliman and Fabish.


  •  The following students please see Abbot Michael near the Loft today during homeroom: Michael Shaw, Katie Zeller, and Jazmin Barreras-Vasquez.

  • Griffin May, Michael Shaw, and Jake Migliorini, please see Mrs. Hurst during Homeroom.

  • If you’re interested in Tea Club, see Mr. Fess in the computer lab during Homeroom today.