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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Wednesday, September 22nd

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Wednesday September 22, 2021

Homecoming means coming home to what is in your heart.

  • Students that are eating lunches in the LOFT, you need to dump your garbage and return your tray IN THE REFECTORY! Do not leave trays in the LOFT.

  • Next Monday, September 27 is a 1- hour late arrival.  Classes will start at 8:50 a.m.

  • Softball signups for this coming Spring softball season will be during lunch periods today at the table outside the refectory. Coach Sons is also looking for 5 girls to help park cars Saturday for the Homecoming.

  • Softball players sign up to sell 50/50. We still need volunteers for one hour shifts between 10-1

  • Variety Show practice tonight will begin at 7:45. All must attend tonight and tomorrow to be in the show Friday night at 7:30

  • Tomorrow is picture retakes:  Any underclassmen that did not get their picture taken back in August needs to get it taken tomorrow with your uniform top on.  If you are wanting a retake of your August picture today is the day to do that as well, be sure to bring a uniform top for your photo if you are wearing dress up clothes for mass.  SENIORS: Many of you need your first picture taken, you MUST do this TOMORROW the following students have not yet signed up:  Tomorrow is dress up day for mass so seniors you should all be dressed appropriately for your senior portrait.

  • Are you interested in attending the US Merchant Marine Academy, West Point, Annapolis, Air Force, or Coast Guard academies after high school? Attend the virtual information session on Sept 28. Go to the guidance FB page or see Ms. Bernabei for the link.

  •   St. Margaret’s Spring Valley is looking for a Dietary Aide.  Hours are 3:30PM – 7:00PM a few days a week.  If you are interested in this position, please see Mrs. Plankenhorn for more information.

  • SENIORS:  Check your email right now!  Everyone needs to VOTE for this year’s DAR recipient NOW!

  •   The Student Commons will be closed starting today after school until Monday to prepare for our Homecoming festivities.  If you need to stay after school for practices or games the rest of the week you will report to the LOFT or the REFECTORY.  Study halls will be held in your study hall teachers’ classrooms, except for E period.  E period study hall will be held in 226B on Thursday and 212 on Friday.

  • Lectio next week.  Details to follow

  • Homecoming mass tomorrow.  Let's come ready to participate.

  • Last Supper Club this coming Wednesday.  See Fr. Ronald if you want to help plan the outing.

  • Still time to bring in food for our hungry sisters and brothers.  Soon, we will make a delivery to the food pantry

  • All students that have Lenovo Chromebooks:  All Chromebooks that have been issued by Mr. Harlow came with plastic cases.  Those cases MUST remain on your Chromebook AT ALL TIMES.  If you damage your Chromebook and it does not have a case on it, the warranty is voided, and I am under no obligation to have it repaired free of charge.  If you do not have a case, or the case is broken let me know and I will see if I can get it replaced, but there is no guarantee I can do that. Please remember you are NOT allowed to put stickers or draw on your Chromebooks until you graduate.  Chromebooks are St. Bede property until then. 

  • The following students need to bring their payments to Mrs. Rynkewicz TODAY: Brady Flanagan, Duncan Lawler, Debbie Daluga, Katriene Sibbaluca, Jessica Waddell, Paige Kraml, Alondra Delao, Libby Huffaker, and Avery Entrican.

  • Attention Heritage Club members: There is a survey in Google Classroom for an event in October. Please complete this ASAP. 

  • Congratulations to Brendan Pillion and Jake Delaney on earning 7th and 9th place yesterday at the TRAC Conference golf meet.  Way to go gentlemen.

  • Girls Tennis fell 3- 2 to Pontiac Paige Kraml won in #1 singles and Krystal De La Torre # 2 singles.

  •  Students bringing a student from any another school to the Homecoming Dance MUST get the Guest Request Form by Friday of this week

  •  The girls and boys had GREAT night at Kewanee:   The Girls finish 2nd out of 5 teams last night, losing to Cambridge but beating Rockridge, Bureau Valley and ROWVA. Top Finishers for the Bruins were Jaelyn Weber 5th at 23:43, Madelyn Torrance 10th 24:38, Macy Zeglis 14th 25:01, Aly Hoogland 26:54, and Abbie George 29:51 EXCELLENT TEAM FINISH! For the Boys: Greyson Marincic was 15th at 21:09 and Henry Orteza 16th 21:36

  • Volunteers needed to sing at mass tomorrow. Please email Mrs. Griggs if you can sing and she will email you the music.