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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Tuesday, September 21st

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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Homecoming unites the past and the present.

  • This Thursday is picture retakes:  Any underclassmen that did not get their picture taken back in August needs to get it taken on Thursday.  If you are wanting a retake of your August picture today is the day to do that as well.  SENIORS: Many of you need your first picture taken, you MUST do this on this date the following students have not yet signed up: Trenton Acuncius and Quenten Sondgeroth.  Seniors you may wear your dress clothes to school for you picture or bring your dress clothes and change for your picture.  You will be called and sent for your picture when the photographers are ready for you.

  •   Next Monday, September 27 is a 1- hour late arrival.  Classes will start at 8:50 a.m.

  • Today a recruiter for the US Army will be visiting during lunch periods.

  • Lincoln College will be visiting tomorrow (Wednesday 22) and Saint Francis College for Nursing will be here Friday (Sept 24).

  • Any students who ordered car decals or yard signs please pick up your items in Mrs. Gengler’s office.

  • Softball signups for this coming Spring softball season will be tomorrow during lunch period, at the table outside the refectory. Coach Sons is also looking for 5 girls to help park cars Saturday for the Homecoming festivities from 8 am - 10 am. Please let Mrs. Griggs know if you can help out. As a perk, doughnuts will be provided.

  • Attention softball players: Mrs. Griggs needs volunteers to work 1 hour shifts between 10-1 selling 50/50 tickets. If you can help, please see her or send an email.  Freshman-Seniors welcome!

  • Lectio and Last Supper Club next week.  Details to follow.

  •   Homecoming mass on Thursday.  Let's come ready to celebrate.

  • All variety show participants MUST be at the rehearsal Wed. at 7:30 and Thursday after the powder puff game to participate in the show Friday.

  • Softball players, Mrs. Griggs needs players to volunteer to work one-hour shifts selling 50/50 from 10-1.  Please see her or email her for a time.

  • Today is the last day to purchase tickets for the Homecoming Dance.  Guest request forms MUST be turned in before Friday this week or your guest will NOT be allowed to attend the Dance.

  •   Mums will continue to be sold all this week at $5 each.  Today they are being sold at lunch outside the refectory!


  • Will the following students see Mrs. Plankenhorn during HR today – Daliayah Farris, Aidan Ernat, Rubi De la Torre, Kylie Cofoid, Brianda Cain, Tyreke Fortney

  • Bella Hagenbuch.  Please see Fr. Ronald during homeroom.

  • SBASG General Assembly is meeting during homeroom today in the Collaborative Room

  • All students dressed in their Hawaiian attire please come to the stairs of the science center now for a photo.