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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, September 6, 2024

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  • SAT Word of the Day:

    • ebullient – adj. cheerful and lively

      • Mr. Steben can be described as EBULLIENT most days.

  • If you are interested in learning about various cultures from around the world, Heritage Club is the group for you! We learn more about the diverse cultures represented in SBA's student body and many more. Anyone interested in joining Heritage Club should join our Google Classroom page TODAY! Some of the activities hosted by Heritage Club throughout the year include watching movies, trying different foods, and making crafts. Please see the Google Classroom code listed in the announcements: kg3yg4g

  • Join the Tea Club! Enter the Google Classroom code found in the announcements (iujtce5), or see Mr. Fess.

  • Freshmen- you have until the end of homeroom to vote for your class representatives! This was sent to your email. Please see Mrs. Theisinger ASAP if you have note voted or are not sure how to vote. Winners will be announced before we dismiss for the pep rally.

  • Ambassadors: the time listed in BAND is incorrect. You need to be at the football field by 3:30, not 4:00 as listed. We want to be set up with plenty of time to spare!

  • Attention ALL students: Homeroom will meet during G period today.


  • None scheduled