ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, September 9, 2024
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SAT Word of the Day:
insurgent – n. rebel or revolutionary
The student INSURGENT rallied her classmates to protest the new rule changes.
Please join the google classroom for variety show information. The code is on the posters around the school and is also listed in the announcements (yc5rtog). An information meeting for all interested in participating will be held in Mrs. Griggs classroom during homeroom Tuesday.
Join the Tea Club! Enter the Google Classroom code found in the announcements (iujtce5), or see Mr. Fess.
If you have borrowed a calculator from the Bruin Learning Center and still have it please return NOW.
Congratulations to the following freshmen who were voted in to be representatives for their class on Student Government: Landon Balestri, Jackson Bogatitus, Parker McClain, Valeria Mendez, Mary Simonetta, and Hanna Waszkowiak. Thanks to everyone who ran!
None scheduled