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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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SAT Word of the Day:

  • abject – adj. completely without pride or dignity

    • The failed revolution was considered an ABJECT failure.

  • Welcome to a new school year! Be sure to check announcements every day for club and sports announcements, schedule changes, volunteer opportunities, and other important school information.

  • Any student, male or female, interested in playing soccer, there will be a brief meeting immediately after school TODAY in the Refectory.

  • Any Freshmen, Juniors, and any new student to SBA in the SPORTS of Tennis and Volleyball, you will be taking your IMPACT testing today in the PSC at 2pm.  Make sure you bring your Chromebook.

  • The north entrance and lobby to the gym are closed for construction until further notice. To enter the gym from inside, use the east stairwell (past the wrestling room, leading to the piano) To enter from the outside, use the main gym lobby entrance ONLY.


  • None today - Mass schedule