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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, May 21, 2024

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God may not always answer the prayers we want, but he always answers the prayers we need.

  • SAT Word of the Day:

    • incontrovertible – adj. unable to be denied

      • St. Bede admires Fr. Ronald’s strong and INCONTROVERTIBLE faith.

  • Last call for the Blue Cart.  We still have a few days, before summer break,  to bring in food for our hungry sisters and brothers. 

  • Mrs. Wiltse’s E period class, please report to Mrs. Rynkewicz’s room 204.

  • If you feel you need some extra help preparing for finals, the Bruin Learning Center can help! See Mrs. Nambo to make some arrangements.

  • Students- please be on the lookout for emails from Mrs. Theisinger this week! Check your email regularly- thank you!

  • Attention Stage Rats! Wednesday immediately after finals we will have a pizza party in the student refectory. You might want to bring some money for drinks out of the machine. 

  • Attention Freshmen – if you are registered for driver’s education in the fall through St. Bede, you MUST stop by the main office during homeroom today to pick up your application for your permit.

  • Are you interested in playing tennis this summer? The Peru Recreational Tennis Camp runs from June 10-27 and July 8-25 at 1:00 for girls and 2:15 for boys. This program will be held at the LP Sports Complex tennis courts and is FREE for Peru residents, or $15 for non-residents. You do NOT need to be currently playing for the St. Bede team to play. 


  • All students planning to play volleyball in the fall, there will be a meeting in the Loft now.

  • Evan Bernabei, Calen Cass, Drew Carboni, and Alec Tomsha, please see Mr. Hancock.

  • Phillip Gray, Greyson Marincic, Quinn McClain, and AJ Hermes- please see Mrs. Theisinger during homeroom today. Thank you!

  • Andrea Brandner, Lorelei Denny, Fatima Mandujano,  Lucy Maus and Ariana Villava.  Please see Fr. Ronald, now, during homeroom.