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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, August 31, 2023

Guest User

We don't go to confession in order to focus on what bad people we are; we go to confession

because ignoring our sins doesn't make them go away.

❖ SAT Word of the Day:

➢ ostensible (oss-STEN-sih-bull)– adj. seemingly so

■ It’s OSTENSIBLE that you would be more awake during the day if you went to bed earlier the night before.

❖ Students in IVCC or ACC classes need to sign in in the main office every day and then report immediately to the PSC study hall. Do not go to your locker until the period A or C bell has rung. You are NOT ALLOWED to linger in the hallways.

❖ Those who participated in Polar Plunge and want a chance at the prizes, come to Fr. Ronald's office now to see them. Put your name on a slip of paper and put it in the basket. Tomorrow names will be drawn for the prizes.

❖ Ever been hungry? Some are hungry most of the time. Let's fill the Big Blue Cart with food for our hungry sisters and brothers.

❖ Tea Club will meet Friday after school in the commons in the PSC from 2:40 – 3:40.

❖ Service Hour Opportunity tonight at our home cross country race. See Coach Makransky or Mr. Armato during school today. Race will be 4-5:30pm.

❖ eSports needs more players for League of Legends, Mario Kart 8, and Valorant. If you’re interested, join the eSports Google Classroom, code: y g c 2 5 d q or see Mr. Fess.

❖ Color and Chill Club is Back!! Join Mrs. Nambo & Ms. Bernabei in room 227 after school on Wednesdays to color away your stress, enjoy some tasty snacks and good company! Supplies will be provided but feel free to bring your own if you like! Everyone is welcome, artistic ability not required!

❖ Home Volleyball Game tonight. Student section theme is Jersey Thursday. Let’s pack the stands against Streator Woodland!

❖ There will be a Podcast Club meeting today after school in Ms. Staggs’ room.

❖ Football team mass after school today.

❖ Ambassadors bringing water for tomorrow’s Tailgate Party: please bring your case of water to Mr. Steben’s office ASAP.


❖ SBASG exec board see Miss Brady during homeroom today.

❖ Daniel Garcia, Lilly Wray, Kathleen Hunter, and Casey Shearer please see Mrs. Hurst in the main office now.