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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, September 1, 2023

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Though God made us good, God also made us free. It is the abuse of our freedom that

brings sin and evil into the world.

❖ SAT Word of the Day:

➢ Pertinacious (purr-tuh-NAY-shus) – adj. holding firmly to a course; determined.

■ Reagan was PERTINACIOUS that she would be going to Raisin’ Canes after school.

❖ ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: You must be in the Refectory during your Lunch Period. You are not allowed to sit in teachers’ classrooms during this time. You should only be seen outside the Refectory if you are coming to or from the restroom.

❖ Freshman and SBA students at every grade level are encouraged to join a club or team at St. Bede Academy! This is a great way to meet new friends and become an involved member of your Bruin family. Listen to the announcements every day to find out when and where to meet. There’s a lot going on at our school and we want you to be a part of it!!

❖ Habitat for Humanity is building a home in Peru. Interested in helping to build a home? See Fr. Ronald.

❖ Attention Stage Rats! We will be meeting in the gym Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. to do some clean up and talk about the Variety Show set. New members welcome! If you need the Classroom code, see Fr. Dom in room 107 during homeroom.

❖ Ever been hungry? Some are hungry most of the time. Over the long weekend when you are celebrating, please put aside some food to bring in on Tuesday.

❖ Congratulations to Ranbir Saini on your hole-in-one yesterday at Highland Springs.

❖ Anyone who is interested in becoming a peer tutor please email Mrs. Nambo at There will be a meeting next week!

❖ If you ordered spirit wear and did not pick it up yesterday, please see Mr. Hancock in the Perino Science Center.

❖ Tea Club will meet today after school in the commons in the PSC from 2:40 – 3:40.

❖ Color and Chill Club is Back!! Join Mrs. Nambo & Ms. Bernabei in room 227 after school on Wednesdays to color away your stress, enjoy some tasty snacks and good company! Supplies will be provided but feel free to bring your own if you like! Everyone is welcome, artistic ability not required!

❖ Lectio sessions will begin this coming week. Watch for when and where.

❖ Congratulations to the Cross-Country teams for their finishes yesterday in our 5 team home meet. Sierah Shaver finished 3rd overall for the girls, while Grayson Marincic finished 5th and Haiden Ator 9th for boys. Thank you to the volunteers who helped make this meet a success.


❖ Alex Ankiewicz, Johnna Bogatitus, Nathan Husser, Sierah Shaver, Aubrey Siebert, Reagan Stoudt, Luke Tunnell please see Ms. Bernabei.

❖ Those who participated in Polar Plunge and want a chance at the prizes, come to Fr. Ronald's office, now. We will draw for prizes.

❖ Michael and Alina Schulz please see Mrs. Hurst now.