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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, August 30, 2023

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Who you become is infinitely more important than what you do or what you have.

❖ SAT Word of the Day:

➢ Noisome (NOY-some) – adj. Disagreeable OR having an offensive smell

■ The freshmen were disgusted by Mr. Steben’s NOISOME coffee breath at Chaplain’s Day.

❖ Last Supper Club at Mickey's Massive Burrito today. Sign-up sheet on board outside Fr. Ronald's office on the second floor. Please do so by noon.

❖ Sign-ups for the 2023-24 softball season will be immediately after school today. This will be for all new players and freshmen.

❖ If you are interested in a “New to You” Homecoming Dress, please see Mr. Hancock after school Wednesday August 30th.

❖ We have been in school for over 2 weeks, but only have one small bag of food in the Big Blue Cart. Let's fill it for our hungry sisters and brothers.

❖ Congrats to Ryan Slingsby on a steller 71 with 6 birdies this past Friday at Riverdale for an 8th place finish.

❖ Those who participated in Polar Plunge and want a chance at the prizes, see them on the coffee table in Fr. Ronald's office. Put your name on a slip of paper and put it in the basket. Names will be drawn for the prizes.

❖ Color and Chill Club is Back!! Join Mrs. Nambo & Ms. Bernabei in room 227 after school on Wednesdays to color away your stress, enjoy some tasty snacks and good company! Supplies will be provided but feel free to bring your own if you like! Everyone is welcome, artistic ability not required!

❖ Home Volleyball Game tomorrow night. Student section theme is Jersey Thursday. Let’s pack the stands against Streator Woodland!

❖ This week’s Podcast Club meeting will be held on Thursday instead of Wednesday.


❖ ALL SBASG members please meet in the PSC now.

❖ Sam Bima and Carter Vasquez, please report to Mr. Steben’s office during homeroom.

❖ Mackenzie and Maddie Stanbary. Please see Fr. Ronald during homeroom.

❖ Will Emma Huffaker, Quinn McClain, Yigit Arslan, and Tessa Dugosh please see Mrs. Hurst in the main office now.