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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Guest User

Begin choosing to do the right thing, even if you aren't initially rewarded for your actions.

Eventually, you will affect others.

  • ❖ SAT Word of the Day:

  • ➢ hapless – adj. Unfortunate

  • ■ Bella’s HAPLESS baking led to her cookies being raw in the middle.

  • ❖ Students will eat in their E period classes today. You will still have the same lunch period. You will go with your E period teacher, get your lunch and return to their classroom.

  • ❖ If you are interested in a “New to You” Homecoming Dress, please see Mr. Hancock after school next Monday the 28th or Wednesday the 30th.

  • ❖ Are you in need of service hours? We have opportunities to work concessions next week during 2 home volleyball games and our 1st home football game. Please see MR. Hancock or Mr. Armato today to earn service hours.

  • ❖ Seniors interested in buying Spirit Day shorts, they are $15. Money is due today. See Ms. Brady or Ella Hermes to order.

  • ❖ There will be a Podcast Club meeting after school today in room 213.

  • ❖ If you are interested in learning about other cultures and people, you need to join Heritage Club! The Google Classroom code is: o s d a 7 e x.

  • ❖ Golf shirts are in. You may pick them up after school in the GOLF ROOM.

  • ❖ Due to heat we will be in the golf room for practice today. The room will be open till 4:30 today.



  • ❖ Happy Pumpkin Spice Latte Day Eve, everybody! Love, Mrs. Rynkewicz🎃