ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, August 21, 2023
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Our prayers are powerful, necessary, and profoundly important.
❖ SAT Word of the Day:
➢ fallacious (fuh-LAY-shus) – adj. false; based on mistaken belief
■ Bella spread a FALLACIOUS rumor that Mr. Steben does not know how to drive.
❖ It's hot. Most of us are able to keep cool and are well fed. Many are hungry. Please fill the Blue Cart with food.
❖ Congratulations Luke Tunnell on your 4th place finish at the Rock Falls Rocket Golf Invitational this past Saturday!
❖ If you drive to school, parking permits must be displayed in your vehicle. If you haven’t purchased a permit or picked up a permit paid for at registration, see the Business Office.
❖ Don't forget the 5 D's of dodgeball: dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge! If you are interested in participating in the Spirit Week Dodgeball Tournament, sign ups will be at lunch outside the Refectory today during lunch.
❖ Ambassadors: we will have our first weekly meeting after school today in Room 107.
❖ Meeting tomorrow during homeroom for anyone interested in being involved in Stage Rats or Fall Theatre. Meet in room 107.
❖ Seniors interested in buying Spirit Day shorts, they are $15. Money is due by Wednesday 8/23. See Ms. Brady or Ella Hermes to order.
❖ Are you interested in joining SBA’s Podcast Club? Join the Google Classroom! The code is
l76cgwa. Meetings are every Wednesday after school in room 213. We hope to see you there!
❖ You have all been sent a Google Form from Mr. McLaughlin. Please check your email and complete it at this time. Following the completion of this form, ALL Juniors and Seniors, please report to the Little Theater.
❖ All students that are dressed as athletes, please meet Mrs. Griggs outside of the gym for a yearbook photo. Mathletes’ pictures will be taken in math classes today.
❖ Ranbir Saini, Calen Cass, Landon Marquez, and Chloe Burgess, please see Mrs. Hurst in the main office now.