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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Guest User

Live simply so that others may simply live.

  • Still accepting boxes of cereal and other food for our hungry sisters and brothers.

  • SUMMER WORKERS NEEDED! CORTEVA agriscience is looking for summer help with miscellaneous field tasks, plant inoculation, pollinating, plant measurements, and more!!!! If interested, please see Mrs. Hurst in the Main Office. *Must be 16 years of age to apply!

  • All Ambassadors: check your email for upcoming meeting information.

  • Want to show your support for St. Bede in your community? Yard signs are available for $7 per sign - what a steal! Order forms can be found outside Mr. Steben's office and are due by Friday, May 5th. 

  • If you have hung a campaign poster on the second floor it needs to be moved to a bulletin board or a glass surface ASAP.


  • All student government members please meet quickly in the gym for yearbook picture today during homeroom.

  •  Drew Roda see Mrs. Morrow now.

  •  Morgan Nawa, Alyssa Torri, Guinevere Wiesbrock, Lea Asani, Calym Setser, and Ryan Brady, please see Fr. Ronald now during homeroom.

  •  Meeting for all Stage Rats today during homeroom at Fr. Dom's office.

  •  Anyone who participated in eSports this year, meet in the computer lab during homeroom to take a sick picture for the yearbook.

  •  Anna Lopez, Grady Gillan and Weston Heersink please come to the counseling office.