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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, May 1, 2023

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You have so much more to offer.  You sense it.  It's a soul sense, and when your soul senses such a thing, it should never be ignored.

  • Any students taking the AP Chemistry exam this afternoon, at 12:00, will be eating during 1st lunch today, Monday, May 1st.

  •  All students taking the AP exams will enter through the north side of the church do not enter through the front doors.

  •  REMINDER FOR SENIORS: if you are not going to use all 6 of your graduation tickets please turn the remainder into the main office ASAP.

  •  New Eucharistic ministers. You will receive information from Mr. Davy regarding installation ceremony on Wednesday.

  • Want to show your support for St. Bede in your community? Yard signs are available for $7 per sign - what a steal! Order forms can be found outside Mr. Steben's office and are due by Friday, May 5th. 

  • Tomorrow, all student government members will meet for a yearbook photo.

  •  Any seniors who plans to major in a Business-related field please see Ms. Bernabei today if you have not already emailed her your information for the Peru Federal Scholarship.  No application needed.


  • Mia Morrow please see Mrs. Rapp now.

  •  SBASG Exec board please see Miss Brady now.

  •  Tea Club, E sports, and coloring club members, please meet in the gym during homeroom for a yearbook photo. 

  •  Aleah Espel, Mason Hurst, Morgan Nawa, Jaelyn Weber, Kylie Cofoid, Tom Makransky, Madelyn Torrance, John Brady.  Please see Fr. Ronald now during homeroom.

  •  The following seniors see Ms. Bernabei now. Bring your Chromebook. Ali Arslan, Benjamin Burke, George Guo, Johnathan Hackney, Sue Huynh, Wendy Li, Alyssa Torri.

  •  Summer Conlin please come to the Main Office Now.

  •  Emerald, Jose, and Ruby De LaTorre, Weston Heersink, Maggie Arkins, Baley Engels, and Halden Hueneburg please see Mrs. Nambo NOW.