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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, November 14, 2024

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  • SAT Word of the Day:

    • pacific (adj.) soothing 

      • The chemistry professor’s PACIFIC demeanor helped the class remain calm after the experiment exploded.

  • This Friday and Saturday at 7pm come see SBA's Fall Theatre production of This Murder Was Staged, a comical murder mystery in which everyone is a suspect! Admission is free for Saint Bede students, $5 for adults, and $3 for senior citizens and non-Saint Bede students.

  • Any girl planning on playing softball this spring: there will be a short meeting Tuesday after school in the science center regarding future open gyms and uniforms.  If you plan to play please email Mrs. Griggs so you can be added to the list. If you do not plan to play and you still have a uniform from last year, please return to Mrs. Griggs ASAP.

  • All students from last school year should have received their yearbook today during period A.  Mrs. Griggs hopes everyone uses their phones AFTER SCHOOL to scan the Spotify codes to listen to the music found throughout the yearbook. If you would like to help with this year’s book, join the new google classroom. The code was emailed to everyone yesterday.


  • Grady Gillan, Greyson Marincic, Jun Jang, Rei Jiang, and Grace Millington please see Mrs. Nambo during homeroom today.

  • Could Yoltzin Morales Sanchez please see Mrs. Theisinger in Room 102 during homeroom? Thank you!

  • There will be a brief meeting for Ambassadors today in the Fishbowl. Greyson & Grace - go see Mrs. Nambo and catch Steben later.