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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, November 13, 2024

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  • SAT Word of the Day:

    • ostensible (adj.) appearing as such, seemingly

      • Jack’s OSTENSIBLE reason for driving was that airfare was too expensive, but in reality, he was afraid of flying.

  • This Friday and Saturday at 7pm come see SBA's Fall Theatre production of This Murder Was Staged, a comical murder mystery in which everyone is a suspect! Admission is free for Saint Bede students, $5 for adults, and $3 for senior citizens and non-Saint Bede students.

  • There will be a Prom Committee meeting on Tuesday next week during homeroom.

  • For those of you who signed up for an IVCC class in the Spring, please drop off your purple sheet to the main office as soon as possible. 

  • ALL students grab a treat on your way out of school today. We have done random locker checks over the last month and everyone is following the rule of not putting pencils or hair ties around the locking mechanism. Thank you for respecting the school's property!


  • Nolan Hagenbuch, William Chen and Frank Fan please see Mrs. Nambo during homeroom today.

  • Chloe Swartz & Breanna Martinez, please see Mr. Steben now.