ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SAT Word of the Day:
callous – adj. cruel disregard for others
CALLOUS is the opposite of yesterday’s SAT word, assiduous.
Locker checks will be done periodically to check to see if students are pushing pencils in the lock or wrapping rubber bands or hair ties around them to keep them from locking. This can damage the locks and detentions will be given to those students whose lockers are not locked properly. Please respect the property of your school.
AP Order forms and money are due tomorrow! Please turn into Mrs. Nambo.
The Bruin Learning Center is looking for more peer tutors. Contact Mrs. Nambo if you are interested.
Ambassadors on the Academy Decor/Layout committee - we will meet in the Loft during lunch today. Grab your food and meet us there!
Seniors- You are responsible to check your email every day! Your school counselor may be sending you an email about your college application. CHECK YOUR EMAIL!
Solomon Zhang, Helen Mao, Phillip Gray, Maci Kelly, Jack Maschmann, Victoria Mendez, Artur van den Burg, Grace Millington, Jason Song see me today during your study hall or after school. This is important!!!!
Hunter Freeman see Ms. Bernabei today H period.
There will be Fall Theatre rehearsal after school today in the Little Theatre.
Nico Del Pilar, Gabe Bunch, and Areesah Joop please see Ms. Bernabei during homeroom. Bring your Chromebook and your testing ticket.
Finley Rue please come to room 204 during homeroom.
If you are a senior that responded “yes” to being on Prom Committee and can work tomorrow’s sweatpants day please see Mrs. Nambo now.