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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, October 16, 2024

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  • SAT Word of the Day:

    • assiduous – adj. showing great care

      • His ASSIDUOUS bedside manner made him an excellent doctor.

  • Beginning 2nd quarter, which started yesterday, unexcused tardies to class periods will be documented and consequences will be given in accordance with the handbook on page 157.  Please be sure you are on time to ALL of your classes to avoid any consequences. 

  • Podcast Club's first new podcast of the year has been posted! Visit or click the link in the announcements to listen to freshman Johnny Michael discuss the life and accomplishments of Henry Ford in the first episode of his podcast, Johnny's Soap Box! 

  • Ava Balestri, Emerald De La Torre, Greyson Marincic, Jillian Pinter, Lili McClain, Trajan Raffety, Logan Pineda, and Phillip Gray: please check your emails RIGHT NOW. 

  • Ambassador committee meetings: Academy Layout/Decor will meet Thursday, 10/17 during lunch. Gym Layout/Decor will meet Friday 10/18 during homeroom - this is different than originally scheduled!


  • Can the following students please report to Mrs. Theisinger during homeroom today? Greyson Marincic, Madalyn Dittmar, Hanna Waszkowiak, Landon Balestri, Val Mendez, Mary Simonetta, Chase Riva, Chipper Rossi, and Matilda Mitchell. Thank you!

  • Brock Pikul, Mackenzie Stanbary, and Sadie Leffelman please come to the main office now.


  • Want to watch the Lady Bruins volleyball team tonight? Of course you do! Head over to Marquette at 6:00 tonight to watch St. Bede take on the Roanoke-Benson Rockets. The theme is USA, so put on your stars and stripes and BRING THE NOISE!!!!!!