ANNOUNCEMENTS Tuesday, March 29, 2022
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Nelson Mandela said “It always seems impossible until it is done.”
Due to Fr. Ronald being in the hospital Wednesday morning 7:00 am Lenten Mass will be cancelled for tomorrow. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.
Clayton Justi, Evan Fitzpatrick & Guiniviere Wiesbrock, please turn in your ACC registration forms and deposit asap to Ms. Bernabei to save your spot in the course.
Seniors: please complete the Guidance Senior survey found in the Class of 2022 google classroom if you want your college & scholarship information announced and printed in graduation program. If you do not do this your plans after high school will be announced as UNDECIDED.
Miranda Mazzorana, Kaden Nauman, Kylie Cofoid and Ali Bosnich please come to the main office.