ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday, March 28, 2022
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Please keep Fr. Ronald in your prayers, he is in the hospital dealing with a medical situation.
CONGRATULATIONS to the class of 2022 top 10 students in alphabetical order: Lia Bosnich, Deborah Daluga, Brady Flanagan, Erin Gray, Thomas Harris, Duncan Lawler, Grace Maschmann, Henry Orteza, Katriene Sibbaluca, and Jack Wallace. Please come to the main office to pick up your info sheet.
Congratulations to the cast and crew of Cinderella on a great performance over the weekend.
Saturday April 2nd: 4-H Green Communities Tree Program is looking for volunteers to help plant trees at City County Park in Princeton at 10:00 AM. To sign- up contact Beth Dellatori 815-258-8346 (call or text)
Saturday April 9th: Illinois Valley Animal Rescue (IVAR) Annual building and Care Fund Auction at Grand Bear Lodge 2643 N. IL Rte. 178 Utica 61373 4:00-9:00 PM. To Sign-up Contact: Beth Dellatori 815-258-8346 (call or text)
Mrs. Manning’s period D class please report to room 226A for class today.
If you are interested in attending the Last Supper Club this week- please sign up on Fr. Ronald’s door by tomorrow.
Anna McDonald please see Mrs. Plankenhorn during homeroom today.
Yearbook staff! There will be a meeting tomorrow in the refectory during homeroom. Please complete survey located on classroom today!