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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday, March 9, 2022

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Stewardship is leaving a system better than you found it.

  • Attention seniors: The James Hardie Building Products Engineering Scholarship application is available now. This is a $5,000 award renewable for up to 5 years along with a paid summer internship each summer.  Due April 30, 2022 the application and more information was sent your student email yesterday.

  • Spring sport picture forms have been given to the coaches to hand out. The form needs to be filled out and brought to pictures EVEN IF YOUR PARENT PLANS TO ORDER ONLINE.

  • All girl and boy tennis players please see Mrs. Nambo if you have not already received a form from her.

  • A collection, for our Lenten charities, will be taken up in church tomorrow after John Grossman speaks to the entire body.  Please bring your donations to church.

  • Juniors please bring a pen or pencil to church tomorrow.  You will spend your retreat day with John Grossman.

  • Juniors – The Horatio Alger State Scholarship is due March 15th. This scholarship is open to current high school juniors. A link to the application and more info was sent to your student email yesterday.

  • Seniors - the City of Spring Valley Police Department Public Service scholarship application is now available. $500 will be awarded to one applicant from St. Bede Academy. See your student email for the application.

  • Friday is a schedule 3 dress code. Jeans may be worn for a minimum $3 donation.  Jeans must be in good repair no holes or rips, a modest top NO HALF shirt and NO HOODIES!!   IF you choose not to wear jeans our daily DENNIS uniform dress code must be followed.


  • Kailey Moore, Lia Asani, Ali Hoogland and Anna An please see Mrs. Nambo in homeroom today.

  • The following students need to see Ms. Bernabei now: Clayton Justi, Ryan Migliorini, Evan Fitzpatrick, Guinevere Wiesbrock, Celeste Thompson, Connor Brown, Dylan Hunter, and Callan Hueneburg