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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Tuesday, March 8, 2022

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Anne Frank said: "No one has ever become poor by giving." 

  • Your religion teachers have RICE BOWLS.  What you collect, with your family during Lent, will help the hungry.  Let's also help our local hungry sisters and brothers by bringing food to fill the Big Blue Cart.

  • Interested in mass and breakfast, before school on Wednesdays during Lent?  Please sign the list, NOW, on Fr. Ronald's door, now. You need not attend the mass every week.  This is just to determine how many are interested. Later today will announce if there will be a mass tomorrow morning.

  • A collection, for our Lenten charities, will be taken up in church on Thursday after John Grossman speaks to the entire body.  Based on class size and the average of $3 per person a week for 5 weeks, the class coals are as follows: Seniors $1275; Juniors $855; Sophomores $1020; Freshmen $1080.

  • Mr. Eustice F period class to report to room 226B for class today.


  • All MYSTERY trippers come to Fr. Ronald's office, NOW, for final details on the upcoming trip.

  • Bella Boggio please see Mrs. Plankenhorn now.