ANNOUNCEMENTS Thursday, March 3, 2022
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We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.
Congratulations to The Scholastic Bowl team finishing in 2nd place in the TRAC and Stephen Shaw making 1st team all- conference in the 4th position
Good luck at regionals on Monday
Students are to remain parked in the STUDENT LOT for all practices and drive the campus speed limit of 20 mph or less.
Volunteers needed for the Illinois Valley Dolphins swim team District meet this weekend at the YMCA in Peru. Volunteers are needed Saturday and Sunday afternoon from 12 - 6. We would prefer students work at least a 3hour time slot during those times. Contact Ashley Nelson 815-289-2568 to sign up.
Let us have a fruitful Lent. More information will be forthcoming on our Lenten charities, Rice Bowls and mass before school once a week.
Attention Stage Rats! We are meeting tonight, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in the gym. Lots of building and painting to do.
Attention all students! If you need service hours, you can help with the musical, mostly painting jobs with some simple construction, plus work on costumes. About 20 hours of service per volunteer are available between now and opening night--we'll find a job for you! See Fr. Dom for details.
WYSE students please check classroom for announcement on next WYSE competition.
Lincoln College will be visiting during lunch today.
Charlie Vaessen please see Mrs. Plankenhorn now.