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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Tuesday, March 1, 2022

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Lent starts tomorrow.  Remember, it is through mastery of small disciplines that we become capable of greater things.

  • Educators of Beauty College of Cosmetology Open House March 10, 2022 5-8 pm at 3602 Marquette Rd. #2 Peru.

  • Congratulations to Rylan Heersink & Brady Mudge who were selected as the January Elks Teens of the Month.

  • Congratulations to the ACC student of the Month Maureen Gensler!  Maureen is a student in the Early Childhood Education Program. Read the article about Maureen in the ACC newsletter that was sent to your student email yesterday.

  • Scholastic Bowl practice today and Thursday after school in the Art Studio Regionals on Monday

  • Ash Wednesday prayer service tomorrow.  Please bring a pen or pencil so you can write out your Lenten resolutions.

  • It is Fat Tuesday.  Stop by Fr. Ronald's office for candy before Lent begins.

  • Lincoln College will be visiting during lunch periods on Thursday. American Academy of Art will be visiting Friday.


  • Abbie George, Trenton Acuncius, Dan Dugosh, Stephen Shaver and Jake Bradach.Please see Fr. Ronald NOW during homeroom.