ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday, February 9, 2022
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Jesus cares more about your future than he does about your past.
Searching for Softball Team Manager(s). Looking for 1-2 students per team (freshman & varsity) Duties: Set up and tear down for practices and home games, Announcing using, PA system, Potential team concessions. Practice starts February 28. Freshman 3:30-5:00, Varsity 5:00-6:30. See Mrs. Mennie in the business office. Participation can be strictly volunteer based, or credit towards work study and/or service hours. Student cannot be playing on the softball team.
The next Boys' TEC is the end of February, the 26th to 28th. If you want an application or to know more, see Fr. Ronald.
The Big Blue Cart is empty. Let's bring food in for our hungry sisters and brothers.
Ski Trip on Monday, the 21st. Payment due this coming Monday, the 14th. You can still sign up.
Looking ahead. Last Supper Club outing to Dick's in Ladd. Next Thursday, the 17th.
Polar Plunge on February 26th. Sign-up is still possible.
Jean Day on Friday to support our needy sisters and brothers.
Kailey Moore, Paige Tomaseski, Ella Mudge, and Ashlyn Ehm please see Mrs. Griggs today to pick up your softball uniforms
All student government members need to see Mrs. Manning to sign up for a day to sell Turnabout Dance tickets. Stop by her room in the basement anytime throughout the day before Friday! An information sheet will be given to you at that time.
The Turnabout Dance will be on Saturday, March 5 from 7-9 pm in the gym. Ticket sales will be held Monday, Feb. 14 through Friday, Feb. 25 during each of the lunch periods. The cost is $5.00 per person. The following rules will be in place:
· You DO NOT have to fill out a Covid form in order to attend. However, EVERYONE will be required to wear a mask. If you are not wearing one during the dance you will be asked to leave.
· You may bring a guest from another school. Saint Bede students are responsible for picking up a guest form in the main office AND returning it to the main office by Monday, Feb. 28. This date is firm and no exceptions will be allowed. See Mrs. Manning if you have questions.
Tea Club meets Thursday (tomorrow) after school in the commons. Have some tea, honey, and biscuits.
Scholastic Bowl practice tomorrow after school in the Art Studio
Students make sure you are double checking EVERY assignment you submit in Google Classroom as soon as you submit it. If the assignment is coming up blank you need to Mr. Harlow immediately.
The following please see Fr. Ronald, now, during homeroom: Grace Irwin, Ben Koyak, Sam Bima Addie Bontz, Connor Brown, Johnathon Hackney, Paige Kraml, Duncan Lawler.
Thomas Harris please see Mrs. Plankenhorn.