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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Tuesday, February 8, 2022

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We reach the ultimate goal of our journey one step at a time. 

  • Instructors- Due to Juniors in the gym for A period, Mrs. Plankenhorn will be pulling B period attendance as our daily attendance today.  Please remember to submit your B period attendance.

  • Searching for Softball Team Manager(s). Looking for 1-2 students per team (freshman & varsity) Duties: Set up and tear down for practices and home games, Announcing using, PA system, Potential team concessions.  Practice starts February 28. Freshman 3:30-5:00, Varsity 5:00-6:30.  See Mrs. Mennie in the business office. Participation can be strictly volunteer based, or credit towards work study and/or service hours. Student cannot be playing on the softball team.

  • Softball players pick up uniforms in the refectory right after school today.  Varsity basketball players can pick up uniforms after practice.

  • This week is national school counselor’s week!  Thank you, Ms. Bernabei for all your hard work and dedication to the students of the Academy!

  • The next Boys' TEC is the end of February, the 26th to 28th.  If you want an application or to know more, see Fr. Ronald.

  • There will be class prayer services and breakfast, in gym, during Period A.  SOPHOMORES tomorrow.

  • The Big Blue Cart is empty.  Let's bring food in for our hungry sisters and brothers.

  • Ski Trip on Monday, the 21st.  Payment due this coming Monday, the 14th.  If you signed up, you will receive details today.

  • ØLooking ahead.  Last Supper Club outing to Dick's in Ladd.  Next Thursday, the 17th.


  • Student government members should meet in Mrs. Manning's room during homeroom today for a short meeting.

  • Zayd Khan, Jake Bradach, Paul Hart, Anton Cain, Katriene Sibbaluca and Jessica Waddell please see Mrs. Nambo

  • Stephen Shaw see Mrs. Ficek during homeroom or sometime today.