ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, November 29, 2022
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Just as our bodies need food, our souls need nourishment, too.
Ø SAT Word of Day: Resilient: able to withstand
The Toy drive is underway. Toys and books due by the end of this week. Thanks to all who have already been generous.
Lectio groups today and tomorrow in Mr. H's classroom. Today, Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors in Lunch 1. Tomorrow: Juniors and Seniors in lunch 2. If you can't make it, let Fr. Ronald know so that he will have the right number of lunches. Newcomers always welcome.
NET Days on Thursday and Friday. Sophomores on Thursday and Freshmen on Friday. Jean Day dress code for those on NET days.
Will the following students please see Mrs. Makransky during your homeroom today:
Tanayiah Allison, Arianna Heersink, Jaxon Kozak, Violet Lopez, and Madisonlynn Lyons-Lewis
Ambassadors: check your email and Google Classroom throughout the school day today. Why? Simple answer: check your email. Or the Classroom.
Attention Stage Rats!!!! Work sessions tonight at 7:30 PM in the gym.
See Fr. Dom if you want to get some service hours later this week.
Mrs. Gavina’s F period report to Mrs. Leffelman’s Room.
For any student that was interested in the Multimedia Club, Mr. Armato will be conducting a brief meeting in "The Loft" after school tomorrow, Wednesday, and 2:45-3pm.
Lunch time: If you have not noticed, we have been dismissing students a bit early from the lunch room. This is in order to help with traffic flow out of the area. Students need to transverse the hallways quietly as some classes are still finishing up. If student cannot remain quiet upon early lunch room dismissal, we will be forced to go back to dismissing after the bell.
All seniors going on the Illinois Holocaust Museum field trip must report to the refectory RIGHT NOW and before any other meetings.
Bella Hagenbuch and Rei Jiang please come to the main office during Homeroom.
SGASG meeting today during homeroom in the Science Center.
Fr. Ronald needs help buying toys tomorrow after school. If you can help, please see him now during homeroom.