ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, November 28, 2022
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Too often we are bold when we should be timid and timid when we should be bold. Holy moments require boldness.
SAT Word of Day: Tawdry-showy but cheap
The Toy drive is underway. Toys and books due by the end of this week. Thanks to all who have already been generous.
Girls' TEC this first weekend.
Lectio groups tomorrow and Wednesday. Tomorrow Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors in Lunch 1. Wednesday: Juniors and Seniors in lunch 2.
NET Days on Thursday and Friday. Sophomores on Thursday and Freshmen on Friday.
Tomorrow is a paid Sweatpants Day! Bring your $5.00 if you wish to participate! Remember, NO HOODIES are allowed.
Anyone interested in shopping with Fr. Ron for the Toy Drive on Wednesday after school, please see him TODAY to let him know you will be participating.
Attention Stage Rats!!!! Work sessions tonight and tomorrow at 7:30 PM in the gym.
See Fr. Dom if you want to get some service hours later this week.
There will be a brief Ambassador Meeting during homeroom TODAY!