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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS -Thursday, November 10, 2022

Guest User

God loves a good mess, if it helps us get the message.  And He's O.K. with things breaking sometimes, especially when it allows Him to break through to us.

  • SAT Word of the Day: Berate-Scold or criticize.

  • Tomorrow is Veterans Day.  Papers are on the table outside the student dining room. You can write names of veterans you know. Do so by lunch TODAY.   

  • On Monday we'll start collecting toys for the Christmas Toy Drive.  More information will be given at tomorrow's prayer service.     

  • Mr. Allen’s period F class report to Mrs. Leffelman’s classroom PSC Rm 16.

  •  Heritage Club members need to complete the interest survey in Google Classroom by Friday, 11/4. 

  • Attention Fall Theatre: Today’s rehearsal is cancelled. Our next rehearsal will be for the full cast Sunday evening at 7:30 PM.

  • Save The Date- Nov. 16th, Festival of Lights at LaSalle Rotary Park! 50% of proceeds will go to St. Bede Academy.

  • Detentions will be in room 14 today.

  • Today’s Lunch: Chicken Alfredo & Garlic Bread.


  • Prom committee meeting today during homeroom in PSC #16.

  • Grady Gillan, Kailey Moore, Sapphire Maples, and Macy Zeglis please come to the main office during homeroom.

  • Lea Asani, Ari Heersink, Ali Rimmele, Kylie Cofoid, Amy Tran, Georgina Guo, Macy Zeglis, Sammie Wagner, and Logan Pineda - report to the Loft during Homeroom.

  • Would the following students please report to the room across from the business office at this time? Austin Tai, Yoyo Zhang, Katelyn Harth, Sure Huynh, Freya Li, Jason Song and Paige Tomaseski.