ANNOUNCEMENTS -Wednesday, November 9, 2022
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By changing the way, you see the world, you change the way you see yourself.
SAT Word of the Day: Abet- encourage or assist.
Friday is Veterans Day. Papers are on the table outside the student dining room. You can put names of veterans you know. We will pray for all of them on Friday.
If your family may be interested in hosting National Evangelization Team members when they are here for NET days on December 1st and 2nd, please see Fr. Ronald for more information.
Want a part time job where you can learn some home repair skills? A friend who has rental homes is looking for a worker. See Fr. Ronald, if interested.
If you are in boy scouts, please see Fr. Ronald, now.
Save the Date- Wednesday, November 16th LaSalle Rotary Park Festival of Lights- 50% of proceeds will go to our school!!!
Peer tutoring will take place in room 111 after school until 3:30 for all interested students. We look forward to seeing you!
If you are interested in Mr. Fitz's science club there will be a meeting this Thursday After school. In the science club we compete in stem related competitions and after-school lab events like bridge pal or edible car contest. The join code for the science club is
Attention all students: make sure that you have your ID card at lunch. Scanning your card at lunch makes the line move quicker, meaning you get more time to eat!
Congratulations to the Boys Varsity Bowling Team on their victory over Eria-Prophetstown yesterday. The top four individual performances were achieved by the Bruins with Dominic Fonderoli leading the way with both the high game (221) and high series (610).
Are you an Ambassador or Delegate? Do you wear a size medium or large shirt? See Mr. Steben during homeroom today to pick up a free Ambassador shirt from previous years. First come, first served!
Ryan Shue please come to the main office during homeroom.