Wednesday, November 2, 2022
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We need to be a source of encouragement in our friends' lives.
Today is All Souls Day. In prayer, let us remember all our deceased relatives and friends.
There are some food items in the Big Blue Cart. We need more. When full food will be delivered to help our hungry sisters and brothers.
Congratulations: Gianna Grivetti, the News Tribune Golfer of the Year. A great finish to 4 great years of Bruin golf we are proud of you “G”
Faculty & Staff: there is an order form for desk calendars in the mail room next to the paper cutters. Please put down the amount you need and include your department account number.
Esports win again! Our Splatoon team; Gavin Sandoval, Micah Huettemann, Julian Villava, and Noah Buck, swept White Hall High School in Arkansas 3-0
Mr. Davy’s C period class please report to Mrs. Morrow’s room (room 210) on THURSDAY and FRIDAY this week.
Fr. Dom’s Religion Classes will be meeting in the Refectory today.
Any students interested in film production and design, social media videos, etc. please see Mr. Armato. If enough students are interested, we will try to start a club and work on some athletic related promotional type projects.
Logan Potthoff, Michael Shaw, and Jason Yang please see Mrs. Hurst in the Main Office after school.
There will be no detention today. Students who were to complete their det's today will be given until tomorrow to complete. Any questions, please see Mr. Armato